Fujifilm X100F 365/Day 9

ISO 400 / f/4 / 1/125s
23.0 mm (35.4 mm in 35mm)
Film simulation: ASTIA SOFT

Below is the same image with Classic Chrome film simulation.

And here it is with Velvia Vivid film simulation.


  1. Image gradation for a grey day is good…. but the difference in film styles is very subtle. I guess for most shots I would be opting for a style and sticking with it and maybe for say portraits having a specific that is sensitive to skin tones. Day 9 looking good 🙂


    • This was a muted landscape anyway, given the weather conditions. Velvia Vivid is great for landscapes, love Astia Soft for portraits. Classic Chrome likely will be used for street photography, when I choose color and choose to use the film simulations. So far I’m just playing with these, but will eventually move on to my own post-processing. I’ve done none, so far. Not even tweaks.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The laptop screen shows no discernable difference between them. Perhaps if I overlaid them, but even so, it’s a challenge to differentiate them.

    I presume (and hope) they would show as different from each other on my wider gamut monster screen.


      • My laptop is adequate but not top of the line. I almost bought a 4K display but couldn’t justify the price differential.

        Also, I know that when I’ve done photo processing comparisons, I’m more attuned to noticing differences than my readers . . . But then, I was on a better monitor with a wider gamut.


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